Having your own business can be trying at times, especially when there is a lull in work. Work never comes in steady, and you must get used to that fact. Either you are overloaded with work and pulling your hair out to make deadlines, or you are wondering how the mortgage is going to be paid next month. Creatively using the downtime coupled with divine timing as well as synchronicity is the key!
In idle periods, I do business development. I target a geographical area or concentrate on a business type and reach out by email or by phone. I also do a lot of social media interaction either by liking someone’s post or creating posts of my own. I also do blogging on my own sites. And I believe blogging is business development. You never know whom your post will connect with.
Never, ever underestimate the value of your work or what you have created. Case in point. In 2015, I decided to begin writing for a living after several years as a marketing professional. But the “catch 22” in the writing world has always been you need recent clips to get work. So, I started writing for online magazines for free. In fact, I had to pay a yearly fee to even submit articles. It was quite a blow to my ego as well as my pocket book, but I enjoyed writing again.
However, as life often does, I got pulled into jobs that required all my energy. I needed to make a living. So, I stopped submitting articles. But those articles remained in cyberspace and people unbeknownst to me read them.
Low and behold just this week I interviewed with an out-of-state client for web content writing and during the interview she had said that she had read some of my articles. I thought since she was from Ohio perhaps she had read my New York City magazine articles. But no, it was the free articles I had written for the spiritual magazine. This truly surprised me as I had written these articles off as a waste of my time.
The article she referred to was on twin flames versus soulmates, and not even on the topic in which she needed me to write. Click here for article. Immediately there was a connection over cyberspace from an article in which I received no payment. I truly believe because I wrote this from my heart it came back to me. God never allows anything you do from the heart go unnoticed or unrewarded. Every ounce of creative energy you put out there makes a difference even though it may take years to come back to you!
So, never give up. Keep posting. Keep blogging and keep believing in your work. It does return and sometimes in the most synchronistic of ways.